Data privacy in 3 steps

Data privacy in 3 steps

In March, the COVID-19 outbreak forced many industries to make an unprecedented shift to working apart and online. In May, an amendment to CCPA, the CRPA, was added to California’s upcoming November ballot, potentially increasing privacy obligations for employers...
MDM strategy: 5 steps to success

MDM strategy: 5 steps to success

Many companies struggle to ensure that their data is easy to find, current, accurate and shared with only those who need it. A whopping 80% of an analyst’s time is spent solely on discovering and preparing data, according to the Harvard Business Review. At the same...

Uncover analytics insights across your business

Like what you see? Connect Nick Kelly is the Director of Visual Analytics at Logic20/20. He is a hands-on leader in analytics with over 16 years of international experience in analytics and software development, deployment, adoption, and user...