DERMS Implementation

As the grid of the future takes shape, utilities are turning to distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS) to meet the pressing challenge of effectively integrating and utilizing distributed energy resources (DERs). The fluctuating nature of renewable energy sources and the complexity of managing a diverse array of DERs underscore the need for strategic implementation of high-performant DERMS solutions.

DERMS deliver the capabilities utilities need to manage DERs in real time, enabling continuous communication, control, and data flows across solar panels, batteries, and other behind-the-meter devices. Forward-looking utilities are leveraging DERMS software to achieve a truly optimized power grid, improved efficiency and resilience, and enhanced ability to respond to power emergencies.

watts of power to be produced by DERs by 2025
(source about how DER implementation to grow to 380 gigawatts by 2025)

dollars = the size of the global DERMS market by 2030 (source about how global DERMS market will reach $1.86 billion by 2030)

Our Approach

Logic20/20 helps utilities maximize ROI on their DERMS investments by focusing on four key areas:

DERMS vendor assessment

We identify your utility’s top use cases and analyze the evolving DERMS product landscape to identify vendors that can satisfy your needs.

Strategic roadmap

We design the roadmap for achieving your utility’s DERMS vision highlighting specific milestones.

DERMS implementation

Our seasoned experts implement your chosen DERMS platform, ensuring seamless integration with ADMS and other key systems.

Change management

We develop a structured, well-defined change management strategy to ensure stakeholder buy-in and ensure successful adoption.


Enhanced grid stability

Mitigate the variability of renewable energy sources by managing the flow of power from DERs.

Improved efficiency

Optimize the dispatch of DERs to reduce the need for expensive peak power generation and increase overall grid efficiency.

Increased resilience

Enhance grid resilience against outages by quickly redistributing energy resources where needed.

Demand response management

Support demand response programs by controlling DERs to reduce load during peak demand times.

Data-driven insights

Gain insights into energy usage patterns, system vulnerabilities, and opportunities for further optimization.


The DERMS journey: Keys to successful implementation 


Planning for net-zero utilities: Integrating renewables and DERs


Navigating DERMS implementation: essential strategies for data system integration

How utilities can prepare for DER and renewable energy regulations

How intelligent automation is shaping a more reliable power grid

What are your challenges? Let’s talk through the solutions.
