3-minute read

Quick summary: AI is revolutionizing knowledge management by transforming vast amounts of information into actionable, easily accessible insights, enhancing decision-making and productivity through frameworks like retrieval augmented generation (RAG). Find out how from Travis Jones, whose insights on the subject recently appeared in Fast Company.

“I think I saw those numbers in a PowerPoint… If I could just get my hands on it…”

Sound familiar? If so, your organization might have a knowledge management problem. Organizational knowledge is key to innovation, productivity, and resilience. But even when this knowledge is well documented in reports, presentations, spreadsheets, and other resources, it’s of no use if team members can’t access it quickly and easily when they need it.

Employees spend an average of 5.3 hours per week waiting for information, and inefficient knowledge sharing costs the average large U.S. business $44 million in productivity each year. The good news is that the strategic application of AI can help organizations turn their knowledge banks into vibrant hubs of current, accurate, strategically relevant information capable of driving impactful decisions.

To read the entire article, visit Fast Company.

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Travis Jones

Travis Jones is the Chief Operating Officer at Logic20/20, where he oversees the strategy, oversight, and performance of the firm’s consulting team and for the company’s delivery of solutions built on the intersection of business and deep technology consulting expertise. One of his passions is spending time with his consultants—helping them learn and develop, so that they can further themselves and the work that they do on behalf of their clients. Travis also partners with clients, leveraging more than 15 years of business consulting, technology, and leadership experience.
