How data science solves business problems

How data science solves business problems

A few years ago, in the earliest days of the analytics boom, a tech writer at Fortune magazine claimed that data was the new oil. While this is mostly accurate—it’s a highly-prized commodity—a better analogy for data is that it’s a renewable resource. In contrast to...
Increasing Ad Revenue with Machine Learning

Increasing Ad Revenue with Machine Learning

2-minute read Search engines serve customers across a wide range of demographics. Businesses interested in improving their search engine performance can work with technology companies behind these search engines to analyze search data, find potent keywords, and refine...
Requirements gathering for actionable analytics

Requirements gathering for actionable analytics

What is the ultimate goal of BI (business intelligence)? Some might use analytics simply to make sense of all the data they have, letting the available data dictate the analytics tools that are created. They take a whole bunch of data, push it into a BI tool, and see...