A simple Salesforce Package cheat sheet

A simple Salesforce Package cheat sheet

4-minute read As an IT consultant, I frequently change technologies and project roles. The frequent shift of focus is great for staying interested, engaged, and marketable. The downside is that many mental-muscle-memory tasks fade or never take root with long gaps...
Transforming data in Snowflake with Fivetran

Transforming data in Snowflake with Fivetran

5-minute read Snowflake has emerged at the forefront of a new era in enterprise data warehousing. Among its most game-changing features is its decoupling of compute resources from storage. This enables speed, scalability, and operational efficiency we data engineers...
Getting started with Deno

Getting started with Deno

5-minute read As its web site says, Deno is a simple, modern, and secure TypeScript and JavaScript runtime that uses Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It’s built using the Rust programming language, in contrast with Node.js, which is built using C and C++. It’s from the...