The Impact of Edge Computing and 5G on Utility Grids

The Impact of Edge Computing and 5G on Utility Grids

2-minute read Not so long ago, utility companies would check a customer’s meter once a month—12 times a year. Today data can feed in from smart meters every 15 minutes, totaling over 35,000 readings per meter per year.   Every day, IoT devices and other smart...
Utility emergency event simulation tools

Utility emergency event simulation tools

8-minute read Quick summary: Utility emergency operation centers (EOC) make critical decisions for public safety based on information like weather, asset status, vegetation, and topography. Training on sustainable simulation tools ensures that those decisions can be...
Renewable energy forecasting with AI and machine learning

Renewable energy forecasting with AI and machine learning

6-minute read Quick summary: AI and machine learning enable utilities to improve the accuracy of renewable energy forecasting as we progress towards a clean-energy future. When we look to the future of energy production in the United States, it’s clear that renewables...