WSL – Docker with GPU enabled (Nvidia)

WSL – Docker with GPU enabled (Nvidia)

7-minute read Reprinted from with the permission of the author Ok, I know it’s not a new thing to be able to run complicated ML / AI software such as Tensorflow or Deepstack on Windows and make use of your Nvidia GPU—but what if you want to run a...
A quick and simple Salesforce webhook listener

A quick and simple Salesforce webhook listener

2-minute read Quick summary: How to set up your Salesforce org to listen for webhooks Setting up your Salesforce org to listen for webhooks should be easy. Actually, it is easy, but it seems the steps are buried in different places like Horcruxes. I’m going to...
Is IT a cost center or profit center?

Is IT a cost center or profit center?

4-minute read Quick summary: Transforming IT from a cost center to a profit center starts with more strategic business decisions concerning technology. There are parts of IT that are costs, such as vendor-provided platforms, and this may confuse some into lumping all...