How to get started with Python for data analysts

How to get started with Python for data analysts

3-minute read The multi-purpose programming language Python is used by development teams around the world, primarily for its simplicity, flexibility, and readability. Python also provides a plethora of useful options for data analysts and data scientists, as it has...
Diving into a culture of learning

Diving into a culture of learning

3-minute read How the workplace culture of learning at Logic20/20 is feeding my professional growth and helping me to broaden my horizons.   Coming onboard during a pandemic When I joined Logic20/20 in April 2020, it was definitely the most unique onboarding...
What’s the true importance of data quality?

What’s the true importance of data quality?

Professional worriers, arrested development, and a simple experiment It’s my humble opinion that data scientists are essentially professional worriers. Don’t believe me? Here are a few examples of thoughts that might run through a typical data scientist’s head on any...