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When a major Midwestern utility needed to make a strong business case for expanding their drone image analytics program, they contacted Logic20/20. In just seven weeks, our experts conducted a thorough assessment of the current program—encompassing meetings with 10 stakeholder teams—and developed a comprehensive portfolio of resources to support the expansion, including:

  • Prioritized assessment of 22 use cases, categorized under Inspection, Asset Management, and Planning and Design
  • Three use case value stream maps outlining the operational and cost efficiencies to be obtained through improvements made to image analytics program
  • Gap analysis providing context into which processes need improvement
  • Implementation roadmap spanning four lines of business for a 4-year plan on how to improve the image analytics program
We brought our expertise and experience in

  • Current state assessments
  • Asset image analytics strategy
  • Strategic planning
  • Implementation roadmaps

Bringing power to the Midwest

Established over a century ago, our client provides electricity and natural gas to more than 6 million residential, business, and industrial customers in the upper Midwest. Known as a leader in driving clean energy initiatives, the organization has also been recognized for its commitment to supporting small businesses and nonprofit organizations.

In just 7 weeks, we conducted a thorough assessment of the current drone analytics program and developed a comprehensive portfolio of resources to support its expansion.

Looking to the next level in image analytics

Our client had launched a series of initiatives focused on building a stronger, smarter, and more resilient grid. Part of this strategy involved expanding on data and advanced analytics usage to reduce truck rolls, supplement inspection processes, and improve access to hard-to-reach areas.

They had established a machine learning program around drone image analytics; however, usage was sporadic and awareness across the organization was sparse. The program owners were planning to request funding to expand the program and knew they needed to present a compelling business case to leadership.

Building the business case

Logic20/20 began the engagement by documenting our client’s current state of imagery classification maturity by working with the team to understand data, process, and tools in place. Over the course of two weeks, we met with ten stakeholder groups, including not only the drone program, but also analytics, renewables generation, forestry, GIS, and others. We used the outcomes of these meetings to:

  • Create high-level value stream maps representing current processes and areas for improvement
  • Produce an assessment of the current state and gaps that needed to be considered to move forward on highest-value initiatives
  • Help our client understand the status of their program compared with other utilities by placing them in our Image Analytics Maturity Model spectrum:
Asset inspection maturity model
We also prioritized 22 distinct use cases for image analytics under the headings of Inspection, Asset Management, and Planning & Design. Using our learnings from the stakeholder meetings plus insights from our experience with other clients, we built a prioritization matrix around two variables: feasibility and impact/importance.
Use case prioritization matrix

Using the matrix as a guide, we presented recommendations to program leaders regarding the use cases to focus on in the short, medium, and long term.

Throughout the process, our team worked hand-in-hand with stakeholders and maintained open lines of communication with the program owners. Through regular meetings and frequent email updates, the owners always had a clear understanding of where the process stood and the insights that arose along the way.

Completing the foundation

Over the course of a seven-week period, our team delivered everything our client needed to present a compelling business case for the expansion of their drone image analytics program. We presented the 22 use cases, clearly prioritized according to impact and feasibility, in a phased approach for optimizing the use of resources. Our client had gone from a sporadic, ad hoc approach to drone image analytics to a solid, data-driven strategy for moving forward.

We presented the 22 use cases, clearly prioritized according to impact and feasibility, in a phased approach for optimizing the use of resources.

Setting a new course for drone analytics

Through our comprehensive engagement, the utility is now equipped with a strategic foundation for advancing its drone image analytics capabilities. Our collaboration has produced a clear, actionable roadmap and a solid business case that highlights the tangible benefits of expanding the program. Working with our team, they have not only set the stage for enhanced operational efficiencies, but also strengthened their position as a leader in innovative asset management.

Want to take your asset image analytics to the next level?

Tom Cunnie
Tom Cunnie is a Senior Consultant in Logic20/20’s Digital Transformation practice.
