Build an effective data ecosystem

Build an effective data ecosystem

YOU’LL LEARN  How approaches to data ecosystems have evolved A new approach that addresses challenges of prior generations How data fabric supports business objectives How data mesh can enhance data fabric strategies And more! Like what you see?...
5 Ways to Use Data Effectively

5 Ways to Use Data Effectively

YOU’LL LEARN HOW TO   Evaluate analytics maturity Architect data for sharing Increase analytics adoption Establish data governance And more! AN EXCERPT FROM “5 WAYS TO USE DATA MORE EFFECTIVELY IN YOUR ORGANIZATION” As groups within your...
Why data strategy should align with business goals

Why data strategy should align with business goals

5-minute read A solid data strategy can be your biggest asset in bridging the gap between business strategy and implementation. I’ll just come right out and say it: business strategies fail. A lot. Depending on which study you read, anywhere between 67 and 97 percent...